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Think you'll pass?

Be Certain.  

My EM Certain

The e-book you need open


ABEM's open-book test

ER doctor ready to ace the MyEMCert test.

Necessity Breeds Innovation

MyEMCertain was painstakingly developed in preparation for our own ABEM recertification, and brings together critical info from the gold-standard EM textbooks, ABEM's Key Advances, and the LLSA's to focus in on only what you need for the board exam.


ABEM's new format for the test, "MyEMCert", is a series of 8 open-book exams. While physicians have a wealth of online resources at our disposal, this is actually to our detriment -the primary cause for failing an open book test is spending too much time searching for information. That's why it's crucial that you have at your fingertips a single, concise, meticulously-organized and easily searchable reference...

...enter "CheetSheets".



  • Each CheetSheet covers one of the 8 ABEM Modules

  • 9th CheetSheet for General EM, applicable to all 8 exams.

  • Table of Contents for each Module

  • Bullet-point   "no-BS" format ​

  • Cross-referenced

  • Easily Searchable

Subscription to MyEMCertain includes access to our library of audio tutorials. These succinct lectures walk through each module in bite-sized chunks, easily digestible while at the gym or on the road.   No conference needed.   No banter or bad jokes.  

What Your Colleagues
Say About Us

"I'm a good doc, and the topics I see regularly are burned into my brain.   The stuff I haven't seen since residency, however, is so rusty I might need a tetanus shot.  Flipping through MyEMCertain is easy and quick and takes the weight off my shoulders. "


Hanna Q.

"I've used a prep course for every major exam I've ever taken.  I registered for a popular course out of the mid-west for the ABEM recert exam and was disappointed to say the least (their videos dragged on and on, and the syllabus was disjointed and useless during the exam).  MyEMCertain's study guide is to-the-point, and useful during the test also.  Thankful I found it before taking the Trauma module, and I'll be using it for subsequent modules as they come out, too."


"This is not a conference; it's a tool for the test.  And a damn good one at that.  I'd like to think that as a practicing ED physician I know what I need to know for the test, but the fact is that there was a lot of details on the test that I would not have remembered without referring to the cheat sheet."

Pete H.

"MyEMCertain delivers on its mission statement.  It is a user-friendly 'cheat sheet' to use while taking the test.  I did study from it beforehand (so, yes, it can be used as a review course), which helped me feel confident going into it...but, really, that wasn't necessary.  Just use the cheetsheet while taking the test and you'll b fine."




Jon S.

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